Chapel Rebuild - Carmelite Monastery Christchurch

Carmelite Monastery of Christ the King
Christchurch, New Zealand
Carmelite Monastery of Christ the King
Christchurch, New Zealand
Carmelite Monastery of Christ the King
Christchurch, New Zealand
Carmelite Monastery of Christ the King
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Chapel Rebuild

Note: Our Chapel Rebuild fundraiser won't launch until early 2025.
In the meantime, you can find about more about the developing plans for our new chapel below.
Thank you & God bless!
W E L C O M E!
Greetings from the Sisters at the Carmelite Monastery in Christchurch, New Zealand!

On this page we hope to share everything you may wish to know about the rebuilding of our chapel, following the announcement in our Christmas 2024 newsletter of our decision to replace the ‘temporary’ chapel after 91 years of its existence.

As plans progress, you’ll find information below about the reasons for our decision, the history of the current chapel, architectural plans, interior design, fundraising status and updates from us along the way.

While we initially winced about having to ask for money, not having done so for 65 years, we can’t actually build a new chapel from our own resources. Thus, as this will be a chapel of beauty for the public worship of God, at a Monastery where Carmelite nuns are dedicated to a life of prayer in the heart of the Church, we have come to see that others may wish to join us in making our new chapel a possibility.

The fundraising software we’re using won’t be ready until early 2025, and just as well, as the architectural plans and interior designs aren’t ready yet either. We’re excited about the software as it will show each element of the build, what it is and what it costs, and those wishing to contribute will be able to see and choose what they bring into existence, so to speak.
Our architect is currently working on the 3D images. We will share those images with you soon so that you can see what the exterior of the chapel will look like.

Finally, please pray for the success of our chapel rebuild; all aspects of the preparation, design, fundraiser and building. For our part, we are already praying very much for all those who will be involved and helping us in any way.

Thank you & God bless,
Your Carmelite Sisters in Christchurch.
The construction of the temporary chapel and extern quarters was completed between March—June, 1933.
The original homestead on six acres of land purchased by our founding sisters in 1933. At that time it was three miles outside of Christchurch city.
The first chapel the sisters set up inside the homestead as they awaited the completion of the chapel
The original sanctuary of the chapel, as decorated for our enclosure ceremony.
The tiny temporary confessional, still in existence and use today.
At least 500 people came for the Dedication of the Chapel and Enclosure Ceremony on June 4, 1933.
The first wing of the monastery was completed in 1938, five years after the foundation was made. The Sisters had chosen to build the monastery wing before the permanent chapel, so as to be able to accept new vocations.
Funds were scarce during the war years as our Carmel supported monasteries in Europe, even going into overdraft at the bank to do so. After the war years  the novitiate wing was added in 1950, to accommodate the growing community.
In 1959 our Carmel made a new foundation, sending seven sisters to Samoa in the Pacific Ocean to found Carmel there. We continued to financially support our sisters in Samoa Carmel until 1979.
In 1987 another addition was made. Thus, what began as a temporary chapel was eventually made permanent, with three extensions to the original chapel being added over the years to support a growing Mass attendance in a growing city. The last addition to our chapel was the building of a foyer in the year 2001.
Our Chapel today
P R O J E C T   U P D A T E S
~    COMING SOON!    ~
I N T E R I O R   D E S I G N
~    COMING SOON!    ~
F U N D R A I S I N G   S T A T U S
Amount to Raise
Amount Already Raised
Amount left to Raise
Last Updated:
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Thank you and may God bless you!
© Carmelite Monastery, Christchurch. 2024
© Carmelite Monastery, Christchurch. 2019
© Carmelite Monastery, Christchurch. 2019
© Carmelite Monastery, Christchurch. 2019
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